landscapes, cities
Tovább! / Keep on track
Watercolour 30x40 cm
M85 motorway
I painted this piece at the end of the year. I look to the future with hope.
There is a uniquie feeling only a morning journey can give you. You're about the only one on the motorway, otherwise unseeable lights change the view... Don't worry, I din't make this one while driving!

Tovább! / Keep on track
Watercolour 30x40 cm
M85 motorway
I painted this piece at the end of the year. I look to the future with hope.
There is a uniquie feeling only a morning journey can give you. You're about the only one on the motorway, otherwise unseeable lights change the view... Don't worry, I din't make this one while driving!
Fairytale dream
Acryl 30x25m
Brennbergbánya, Sopron
The church of the mining village on the border. It was consecrated in the name of Saint Barbara.
The mining of black coal used to sustain many families, who would build one communal building: on the ground floor a church, in the cellar a pub. Is there any other like this anywhere in the world?

Fairytale dream
Acryl 30x25m
Brennbergbánya, Sopron
The church of the mining village on the border. It was consecrated in the name of Saint Barbara.
The mining of black coal used to sustain many families, who would build one communal building: on the ground floor a church, in the cellar a pub. Is there any other like this anywhere in the world?
Beyond (van másik part)
Acryl 36x48 cm
In the painting school Lóránd Sipos paints a picture live every week, then it is given as assignment. One time - i don't know why - I started painting on the night before, based on the reference photo. I have never been to Mostar, or have seen this bridge ever before. I know the Csontváry painting of it, but that's it. So anyway, I started painting. Then a girlfriend of mine - whose father had been week a few weeks past, preparing for Heaven - wrote to me on messenger, saying "it has begun". I knew him, a real bon vivant type funny old man. My replies were short, I didn't really want to talk, I was in the zone afterall. I fineshed some time after midnight, varnished it and took a picture of it (normally you'd do that with natural light, but something copelled me to do it right than and there, immediately). Once I packed up and gone to bed, she sent a message, Uncle Béla died at 0:22. In the morning, reviewing the image I realised: the old man crossed the river and I was there with them through my painting. I finished just as he died.
I sent the image to my teacher, he commented: "Very pleasant mood. The colour of the river juts out."
All right, I think to myself, I'll fix this in the afternoon. Then in the afternoon I talked with my girlfriend. I told her how I painted the bridge just as the old man was crossing it. She was properly surprised. She told me he didn't cross on the bridge, but on the water. A few days before he was moving in his rest and he told the nurses "I'm really tired, I had to move the boat all the way to the riverbank." I will not fix the water.
The power of art? A few too many coincidences.

Beyond (van másik part)
Acryl 36x48 cm
In the painting school Lóránd Sipos paints a picture live every week, then it is given as assignment. One time - i don't know why - I started painting on the night before, based on the reference photo. I have never been to Mostar, or have seen this bridge ever before. I know the Csontváry painting of it, but that's it. So anyway, I started painting. Then a girlfriend of mine - whose father had been week a few weeks past, preparing for Heaven - wrote to me on messenger, saying "it has begun". I knew him, a real bon vivant type funny old man. My replies were short, I didn't really want to talk, I was in the zone afterall. I fineshed some time after midnight, varnished it and took a picture of it (normally you'd do that with natural light, but something copelled me to do it right than and there, immediately). Once I packed up and gone to bed, she sent a message, Uncle Béla died at 0:22. In the morning, reviewing the image I realised: the old man crossed the river and I was there with them through my painting. I finished just as he died.
I sent the image to my teacher, he commented: "Very pleasant mood. The colour of the river juts out."
All right, I think to myself, I'll fix this in the afternoon. Then in the afternoon I talked with my girlfriend. I told her how I painted the bridge just as the old man was crossing it. She was properly surprised. She told me he didn't cross on the bridge, but on the water. A few days before he was moving in his rest and he told the nurses "I'm really tired, I had to move the boat all the way to the riverbank." I will not fix the water.
The power of art? A few too many coincidences.
A hooray for lake Balaton!
Watercolour 30x40 cm
The view from the front porch of my girlfriend K.'s summer house in Fonyódliget.
Balaton, sunset, quiet, peace. It never gets old.

A hooray for lake Balaton!
Watercolour 30x40 cm
The view from the front porch of my girlfriend K.'s summer house in Fonyódliget.
Balaton, sunset, quiet, peace. It never gets old.
Watercolour 36x48 cm
Budapest, Heroes' square
Allright, I know it's closer to an airship.
But that day, I waited in vain in a summer afternoon's scorching heat and a balloon popped in me. Up until then I saw the world with a little rose tint...
Still, it is fun, sitting on top of the stairs, watching a bustling army of turists. I would not allow such idling otherwise, but it is fun!

Watercolour 36x48 cm
Budapest, Heroes' square
Allright, I know it's closer to an airship.
But that day, I waited in vain in a summer afternoon's scorching heat and a balloon popped in me. Up until then I saw the world with a little rose tint...
Still, it is fun, sitting on top of the stairs, watching a bustling army of turists. I would not allow such idling otherwise, but it is fun!
When I didn't turn back afterall
Watercolour 30x40 cm
Rosalienkapelle, Forchtenstein.
My first pilgrimage to Mariazell in 2011. On the morning of the second day we departed in drizzling rain. Every part of my body ached after the 40 km-s of the day before. I wanted to bring as little weight as possible, so I put on a small jacket, why would I need a raincoat, the rain is about to stop. The rain started to come down on us harder, we made a wrong turn, walked an extra 3 km-s and after 40 minutes we almost made it back to the starting point. Naturally, there was some inclination, I missed my morning coffee, and the rain just kept pouring unconsolably. I was soaked to the bone, my leg hurt, my life hurt. I reached a point where I saw no point in going further. A plan came to mind: a girlfriend could come for me to the chapel, I even figured out where we'd get a good melange on the way home. I brought my decision to God: if I can't get a change of dry clothes and then stay dry when we get to the chapel, then I can't go any further either.
When we got there, the driver of our escort car already packed everyone's changes out in a roofed area. A toilet that's otherwise always close, was now open. I changed from head to toes: clothes, socks, shoes. I could even dry my hair. As we came out of the chapel after mass the sky cleared out, the sisters of our priest brought us warm coffee and cookies from home, and my fellow pilgrims consoled me with honeyed pálinka. The father with his calm resolution announced: noone goes home!
Ever since then I knew: we must push through, because the sky will clear.

When I didn't turn back afterall
Watercolour 30x40 cm
Rosalienkapelle, Forchtenstein.
My first pilgrimage to Mariazell in 2011. On the morning of the second day we departed in drizzling rain. Every part of my body ached after the 40 km-s of the day before. I wanted to bring as little weight as possible, so I put on a small jacket, why would I need a raincoat, the rain is about to stop. The rain started to come down on us harder, we made a wrong turn, walked an extra 3 km-s and after 40 minutes we almost made it back to the starting point. Naturally, there was some inclination, I missed my morning coffee, and the rain just kept pouring unconsolably. I was soaked to the bone, my leg hurt, my life hurt. I reached a point where I saw no point in going further. A plan came to mind: a girlfriend could come for me to the chapel, I even figured out where we'd get a good melange on the way home. I brought my decision to God: if I can't get a change of dry clothes and then stay dry when we get to the chapel, then I can't go any further either.
When we got there, the driver of our escort car already packed everyone's changes out in a roofed area. A toilet that's otherwise always close, was now open. I changed from head to toes: clothes, socks, shoes. I could even dry my hair. As we came out of the chapel after mass the sky cleared out, the sisters of our priest brought us warm coffee and cookies from home, and my fellow pilgrims consoled me with honeyed pálinka. The father with his calm resolution announced: noone goes home!
Ever since then I knew: we must push through, because the sky will clear.
Arriving? Departing?
Watercolour 36x48 cm
Budapest Keleti railway station
Journey at dawn. Long shadows.
Passengers come and go, depard and arrive.
Greetings and farewells.
Those rushing care for the miracle of the rising sun only so far as they are made to squint.

Arriving? Departing?
Watercolour 36x48 cm
Budapest Keleti railway station
Journey at dawn. Long shadows.
Passengers come and go, depard and arrive.
Greetings and farewells.
Those rushing care for the miracle of the rising sun only so far as they are made to squint.
tájak, városok